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Our agency was founded in December of 2002 to provide residential services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We saw a need in Colorado for a residential agency that would help promote independent living in a caring family setting. TLC Connection takes a creative and innovative approach to providing services while promoting independence and self-advocacy. 


TLC Connection offers residential services through the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver. Residential services are offered in the following settings: Host Home, Personal Care Alternative, and Family Caregiver. 


TLC Connection also offers a community based program called Supported Community Connection. This program gives individuals the opportunity to access their local community with supports and supervision. 


All services and supports are custom tailored to meet the unique needs of all individuals. At TLC Connection all individuals are treated like family. We look forward to welcoming you home! 


TLC Connection is dedicated to advocating and promoting meaningful participation in all aspects of life for adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities.


Our core values drive us to provide exceptional care. We are constantly improving our services and supports in order to meet your every need.

  • Growth: Our agency is constantly learning and enhancing the way we provide services. 

  • Accountability: In all services and financial practices.

  • Dignity: We are committed to treating everyone with respect. 

  • Community Building: Through education, integration, acceptance, advocacy, & partnerships.



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